Residential House

19 Oct 2024#3766

3 Bhk 2400sqft house for sale in Nejar

  • 1.25 cr
  • Santhekatte
  • House
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01 Oct 2024#1124

House for sale in Kolalagiri

  • 52 Lakhs
  • Kolalgiri
  • House
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30 Sep 2024#7053

House for sale in Amnunje Kolalagiri

  • 49lakhs
  • Kolalgiri
  • House
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29 Sep 2024#7964

House for sale in Alevoor

  • 55 lakhs
  • Alevoor
  • House
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25 Sep 2024#1278

House for sale at Kalathur Shirva

  • 90 lakhs
  • Shirva
  • House
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